Ready to
Welcome to where strategy meets
content meets alignment
Join us for our workshop series that will deliver how to establish your authentic voice and how to create content by utilizing a strategic and creative approach.
You will leave this series with not only learned tools but also with your 2020 content calendar that will elevate your social media platforms to reach their fullest potential (and we all know that means increased sales).
This series is very limited in the number of seats as we will provide one-on-one support to each participant. Before the series begins we will also perform a mini-audit on your current branding to assist with developing the foundation before we begin.
The series will take place in various venues within Chilliwack, BC and will be fully delivered in person.
Series 1: Tuesday October 29th & Tuesday November 5th from 5:00pm-9:00pm - COMPLETED
Series 2: Saturday November 23rd from 9:00am-4:00pm
Locations will be announced the week before

here's what we'll learn together
Define who you are, get clear on your purpose and align your brand with your tone and story. This is something that most businesses forget to focus on and just jump in to the visual, learn the difference this one aspect will make.
What do you want your platform to be? Learn how to create a game plan that is unique to your business, how to create campaigns and how to create collaborations that work.
Map out your content goals for 2020 with an annual planner and put your social media on autopilot. Learn hashtag strategies, posting strategies, content leads, idea generation while focusing on your own unique plan for 2020.
Creating a visual story that aligns your brand and engages your viewers through:
~ storytelling strategies
~ design nuances
~ flatlay
We will work hands on to learn how to style and take your own photos to ensure consistency across your brand platforms.

Sounds dreamy right?
Well incase you are still unsure if you would benefit from this workshop series here are a few more reasons we think you should join us:
1. Brands create loyal fans
2. Brands create consistency
3. Brands create connectiveness
4. Brands create authenticity
5. Brands become experiences
meet your teachers

Coralee finds herself in many streams of Culture Co. from creative and design, collaboration enthusiast, authentic content creation and social strategy to cultural branding and marketing.
After studying marketing and design for business she soon realized that the ethos of culture needed to be created first. Culture in its broadest sense is cultivated behaviours that are directly evolving and nuanced through design. The effects of design are profound as it generates behaviours that directly impact your business and your following.
Design-driven branding is her ultimate ambition, creating a brand that speaks your cultural values, to your team, your peers and your clientele. Coralee loves to bring who you are to your brand. Ultimately her diversified experience from magazine writing, building homes, weddings and travel, has given her the opportunities to understand that people love to tell their story and live their style.

Nicki has spent the last 17 years engaging and cultivating the most effective, loyal teams impacting culture everywhere she goes. Her philosophy is deeply rooted in understanding your core organizational and leadership values that impact all aspects of your business and your brand.
She is an agent of change and believes that stagnancy leads to the death of all creativity and growth as an organization.
'So many companies have focused so hard on what they want their culture & brand to be (we call those buzz words) but forget to acknowledge that they then need to live those words each and every day'
Nicki's passion is cutting through those buzz words and getting to the truth behind your companies true voice.
Still wondering if you would be ideal for this workshop?
We are so glad you asked. Here are a few questions to ask yourself:
Do you have a business or are a leader?
Are you the primary (or very close too) person who runs your content on social platforms?
Do you often post in real time on the day?
Do you often wonder - what the heck should I post today? And then spend over 30mins trying to decide
Do you get stuck down the rabbit hole of social media, trying to engage with others but often just waste time?
Do you feel unsure of your brands true voice?
Would you like to not have to ‘think’ so much about your social media feeds and turn them into a tool that works for you?
Are you not afraid to roll up your sleeves, be open to learning new things and get to work?
If you answered yes to most of these, then we think you are the perfect person to join us. Because we know you are ready to create a sustainable and thriving business and are ready to elevate your brand.
the details
There will be 2 different date options for 2019:
Tuesday, October 29th, 2019 from 5:00pm - 9:00pm - COMPLETED
Tuesday, November 5th, 2019 from 5:00pm - 9:00pm - COMPLETED
Saturday, November 23rd from 9:00am - 4:00pm
The location of the series will be released closer to the start date. The total cost of the workshop series is $297 per person and will include all your materials with light snacks and beverages.
The cost also includes a mini brand audit of your current branding to align all platforms.
If you have any questions please feel free to email us at info@cultureco.ca but if you are ready to sign up, please fill in the form below and you will be prompted to checkout.